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We’re in our growth year! We want to connect with sustainability champions, fiscally minded researchers, mission driven executives. We want research dollars to go to research, and not trying to solve the sustainability problem. Drop us an email, connect with us through social media.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can my lab join LabReNew's sustainability initiatives?

Connect with us on social media. Make individual changes to your work life. If you have a lab manager, ask them about sustainable measures that you can implement easily, such as lowering the fume hood shafts, and increasing the temperature of your -90 C freezer to -75 C.

What resources does LabReNew offer for labs going green?

We offer individually tailored plans, knowledge of government subsidies, and  a national network of sustainability partners. We're eager to support your lab. Contact us and we can help your lab can move towards sustainability at it's own pace.

Is LabReNew only for labs in New England?

Yes, and no. We can only do in person site visits in New England. But don't let that stop you! There's a lot of guidance we can give virtually. Many of our partners such as My Green Lab and Roche are nation wide and international. So we can help you regardless of where you lab is located.

Are there any costs associated with partnering with LabReNew?

Not at all. Our services are free to all labs. We want all of the savings gained from your sustainability growth to go back to your research.

How can individual researchers contribute to LabReNew's mission?

Connect with us on our social media! Share our website and social media with your colleagues and friends.