The mission behind our nonprofit.

Our mission

Labs could do more with what they have right now

We’re working towards a world where research labs integrate sustainability into their day to day operations without effort. Where literal life-saving budgets aren’t used needlessly for waste management, or literally burned up with high energy consumption.We’re working towards a research environment that is carbon-neutral, energy-efficient, and pollution-free.

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Our mission is to remove the barriers to a more sustainable lab.

Laboratories in today’s world have more work than ever before, inventing new medicines, novel diagnostic tools, and discovering new treatments to make our lives better. That’s just their work inside the lab. Lab managers must also hire staff, balance budgets and secure funding. They want to save energy, lower their carbon footprint, and create less waste, but they just don’t know where to start. That’s what LabReNew is all about.

Steven Miller
Our results

We help labs save the world, one researcher at a time

Humans impacted
Assisted communities
Our Founder’s story

Why did Steve start LabReNew?

I started LabReNew while I was working for Eversource, a large electric and gas utility in New England as their point person on life science sustainability. At that time I was really involved with helping my clients lower their energy costs, being smarter and lowering their climate impact. One day, I was watching my grandsons play, and I was just overwhelmed by the idea of what the world would be like when they were adults. It was that moment that I knew I had to do more, and be more for them. For all of our grandkids. That’s the moment that I decided to start a non-profit dedicated to changing how research labs use their energy, their water, and their waste.  We help, we guide, we empower, we save the planet with you!

Meet our Team

LabReNew is powered by our volunteers and staff members so we can grow throughout the tri-state area and beyond!

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Meet our Board of Advisors

You’re only as strong as your team, and we’re lucky to have a whole band of rockstars backing our efforts to save the world while you save the world. ♥

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Our partners

Amazing partners that move our cause forward